When it is implemented?
In stages:
- Interim (transitional) stage in 2008 for Year 7 [PSR 2007 cohort]
- At the primary level, it will be implemented in 2009 for Year 1 and Year 4
- Full implementation at primary level in 2011
Why the education system needs to be changed?
- meet the social and economic challenges of the 21st Century
- realise the Ministry of Education's vision and mission
- equip students with 21st Century skills
- fulfill the Strategic Themes as outlined in the Ministry of Education’s Strategic Plan (2007-2011)
Rationale for change:
- Brunei Vision 2035
By 2035, Brunei Darussalam is recognised everywhere for:- The accomplishment of its well-educated and highly skilled people
- The quality of life
- The dynamic and sustainable economy
- 8 policy directions in the Education Strategy, Brunei Vision 2035
- Fulfillment of the Ministry of Education's mission 'Provide Holistic Education To Achieve Fullest Potential For All'
- Comparison with Education Systems and Curricula of various countries
- Raising students' achievement in the 3 core subjects: English Language, Mathematics and Science
- Increasing the percentage of students' enrollment into higher education from 14% to 30% by 2011
- Strengthen proficiency in Bahasa Melayu
- Local researchers and consultants from overseas have identified certain aspects of the National Education System that need to be improved
What are the benefits of SPN 21?
- Greater emphasis on 'character building'
- No retention from Year 1 to Year 10/11 (except for those with less than 85% attendance
- Multiple pathways to higher education
- Multiple choices of educational programmes based on students' interests, needs and abilities
- Opportunities to pursue 4-year or 5-year programmes before sitting for the Brunei- Cambridge General Certificate of Education 'O' Level examination
- Continuous and seamless curriculum from Years 7-10/11
- Acquisition of basic technical, vocational and business skills that is useful for self-employment and other career opportunities
- Opportunities for technical and vocational education in higher institutions
- Special Educational Needs Programme for students with special needs
- Specialised Education Programme for the gifted and talented
- Opportunities for acquisition of valuable and marketable skills
- Improvement in students' achievement
- Improvement in national standards with benchmarking against international standards
- Improvement in teaching and learning standards